For the 2017 Drama Production, students will perform an 80s rendition of William Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night,” set in Miami. The play, “Twelfth Night,” centers on a love triangle between three characters: Viola, Orsino, and Olivia. Viola, who dresses up as a man named Cesario, falls in love with casino owner Orsino, but Orsino is in love with Olivia, a club owner. Here are some of the characters you will see onstage.
Natalie Chang (‘20), playing Viola
Viola, played by Natalie Chang (‘20), is the twin sister of Sebastian, whom she believes is lost at sea. In “Twelfth Night,” she pretends to be a man named Cesario because she is in love with Orsino and wants to stay by his side. Natalie is just as courageous as Viola is: she shares that she would be willing to shave her head for her part in the play even if she were not required to.
Furthermore, Natalie loves Viola’s character, as Viola is a strong and independent woman, while Natalie can sometimes be shy. She says, “Viola will truly go to great lengths for love in ways I have not yet done.” As part of the cast for this year’s Drama Production, Natalie appreciates the entire hard-working cast and crew members. She says, “This is why I love theater: every production truly creates a strong family, connection, and bond between cast and crew mates.”
Samantha Silveira (‘18), playing Olivia
Olivia, played by Samantha Silveira (‘18), is an arrogant and wealthy club owner. Throughout the play, Olivia maintains complex relationships with each character. Many characters go to great lengths to earn her companionship, but Olivia actually trusts very few people. “Power and wealth are something that [she] takes pride in, so that often causes [her] to not have a relationship with many characters.” While Samantha values humility, Olivia is very materialistic. However, Samantha can see herself in some parts of Olivia’s character: Olivia can be vulnerable, and tends to become frustrated really easily. “I can see myself acting that way when I become super stressed,” says Samantha. This year’s drama production is Samantha’s first. “When I heard that I got Olivia for the drama production, I was ecstatic!” She loves the passion everyone is giving to this year’s production. She says, “Being able to act and create a production with such a talented group of people is probably what I am most proud of.”
Rigel Anestos (‘18), playing Orsino
Orsino, played by Rigel Anestos (‘18), is a casino owner who has fallen in love with another character named Olivia (Samantha Silveira (‘18)). Orsino “obsesses over [Olivia] and he is in love with the idea of being in love.” Rigel explains that he does not relate to Orsino in being“obsessed with love”, but he does believe he and Orsino are similar. Just like how Orsino loves to “show off”, Rigel says that one of the main reasons he loves theater is the chance to “show off” onstage. Since this is his first production, Rigel cannot hide his excitement for “Twelfth Night.” As the production is much shorter than last year’s “Addams Family,” he explains that this production will be more action-packed: “With the music and dancing we are incorporating into to it, everyone is going to be blown away.”
Adam Maston (‘18), playing Malvolio
Malvolio, played by Adam Maston (‘18), is the main antagonist of the play. He is a friend of Olivia who works for her club and later falls in love with her. Malvolio is often used as comic relief as at times, as he acts foolish when he shows his love for Olivia. Adam personally does not think he is similar to Malvolio; he says Malvolio is “too full of himself and is only really concerned with his image.” Adam also expresses his excitement of how the cast members are growing and developing as actors. He says, “There is a lot of new talent in new students and freshmen, and the whole show being set in 1980s Miami will make it quite interesting.”
Meet the actors behind "Twelfth Night"
September 24, 2017
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