By Carolyn Chu
On the second day of the Gender Equality committee’s debate, delegates continued voting for the resolution. The first amendment to the resolution was from the delegate of Columbia, who said that member states, schools, or organizations should implement strategies to ensure that girls and women are protected including, but not limited to, providing guidance counselors at schools and offering courses that teach women and girls how to protect themselves. This amendment would combine clauses 2, 3 and, 4. The delegate of Chile agreed to this amendment, and said that it could be very efficient, as women would be able to protect themselves.
The delegates of Poland and Afghanistan did not agree with this amendment though. The delegate of Poland declared that there is a lack of detail, and it “does not summarize clause 2, it only touches a little of clauses 3 and 4.” The delegate of Afghanistan also agreed that there is a lack of detail, and encouraged delegates to provide more details.
When the delegate of Afghanistan finished his speech, delegates chose if they agreed with the amendment by the delegate of Columbia, either voting to agree, disagree, or not sure. 10 delegates agreed with this amendment, nine did not agree, and seven delegates were not sure. This amendment passed, and the delegates made changes for the resolution.