HAYAKU Glamping provides luxury camping also known as equipment-free camping. The camping combines stylish accommodations and field camping with the magnificent and endless sea views of the sea cliff valley. Although a long drive from Taipei City, it is definitely worth the trip once you see the scenic coastline and various spots to take pictures.
There are different tents that are on diverse levels in the glamping site. These tents provide varying themes for guests to enjoy depending on whether they wanted a tent closer to the ocean or more in contact with the forest. One of the cons of the different levels would be due to the lowest level being farther away. Because it was farther, people who live there have to walk a longer distance to go to their tent. Another downside is the noise. The tents didn’t have good noise cancellation, so in the upper tents especially, it is hard to sleep because people are constantly talking in the restaurant near them.
On the outside, the tents looked almost identical but on the inside groups of tents were different. In every tent, there is two beds, a table, a little seating area, and a small bathroom. For some tents, there are chairs outside for people to enjoy the view. However, there could be ants and mosquitos in the rooms before you check-in; this isn’t surprising since the entrance to the tents aren’t sealed well.
Besides providing a luxurious living situation, guests can enjoy a mouthwatering meal. Staying there for two nights, guests can enjoy both a barbecue and a hot pot. The chef carefully selects high-quality ingredients and combines cuisine with aesthetics, providing guests with a gourmet feast that tastes delicious.
Throughout the day, activities, such as biking, running, and hiking, are available for campers to participate in. For example, there are many biking routes nearby. These biking routes can range from 20km to 50km. Within a 40 minute drive, there are also numerous other activities such as kayaking.
The price for HAYAKU Glamping ranges from 3,800NTD to 22,800NTD per night depending on the amount of people and whether breakfast and dinner were included. I personally believe the price is reasonable because the service and facilities are included for guests, which provides children swings and a sandbox to enjoy.
Besides the various facilities, the way they decorated the glamping sight allows guests to take countless photos, not only with the natural scenery, but also with their decorative surroundings. In fact, there are people that drive to the glamping sight only to take pictures. The glamping site is also a good spot to watch the sunrise and sunset.
Overall, HAYAKU Glamping provides campers looking for luxury accommodations with an enjoyable location to experience camping. It is a great place for guests who are tired of living in ordinary hotel rooms and instead want to experience something more adventurous but still glamorous.
HAYAKU GLAMPING: The perfect mixture of luxury and nature
April 22, 2020