BREAKING NEWS | TAS moves instruction online and cancels AP and IB exams due to sudden COVID-19 outbreak
Taipei American School closed its campus from May 17 due to the explosion of COVID-19 coronavirus cases in Taiwan. [LANA LEE/THE BLUE&GOLD]
On Sunday, May 16, Upper School Principal Mr. Andrew Lowman, announced through an email to parents that Taipei American School will move to distance learning from today until the end of the school year on June 4 due to the most recent COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak in Taiwan. 2260 confirmed cases in Taiwan. Taipei and New Taipei declared
Yesterday, upper school students were allowed to come on campus from 7:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.,only to drop off textbooks and pick up any personal belongings left at school. Lower and middle school students could come to school between 12-3 p.m.. This measure was taken to minimize crowd gathering and to ensure that students were socially distanced while on campus.
AP and IB exams had been scheduled throughout this week, and TAS had initially planned to run the remainder of exams in socially distanced, small groups throughout the West Campus and H Block. However, AP and IB Coordinator Mr. Warren Emanuel announced to parents and students today that TAS will stop administering AP and IB exams on campus to “support the physical and emotional well-being of students.”
Although this was not how most students envisioned their last few weeks of school to look like, many approve of the school’s decision to move all instruction online. “I think TAS made the right choice,” Melissa C. (‘21) said. “Although it is not ideal, especially for the senior class, it is the only way that will help ensure the safety and wellbeing of students and faculty members.”