Home4theNight: care packages for the homeless
Home 4 the Night officers and volunteers stay after school for a quick packaging session. Canned foods, toothbrushes and snacks are some of the necessities packed into the care packages. [ABBY CHANG/THE BLUE & GOLD]
Home 4 the Night, a club designated to help the homeless, begins its goal of supporting and bringing awareness to the less privileged in Taiwan.
Home 4 the Night aids the homeless who are not just in need of shelter but lack basic human rights to safety, hygiene and health. They focus on raising awareness and giving opportunities for students to contribute to making the world a better place. With the money from their food sales, this club organizes care packages packaged with necessities and delivers them to the homeless at the Taipei Main Station. “I love being able to support the homeless by sending out care packages packed with love from all the members,” Katrina F. (‘24, she/her), a member of Home 4 the Night, said.
Home 4 the Night hosted their first afterschool packaging session last Thursday. 16 students came to help package toothbrushes, socks, water, canned foods, masks, alcohol spray and tissues. The packaging session was split into four groups: mask distributing, alcohol spray packing, care packs packaging and the checking groups. “Everyone was moving so fast, it was really chaotic but fun,” Katrina said.
Although it was just their first club activity, everything went as planned and the packaging went by extremely fast. In the end, 55 care packages were packed and ready for delivery. “It was pretty shocking how everyone was moving so fast and working so well together,” Evelyn H. (‘24 she/her), co-president of Home 4 the Night, said.
Due to Taipei American School COVID-19 coronavirus regulations, TAS has currently suspended outside club outings, making it difficult for Home 4 the Night to give out packages with the members. Home 4 the Night presidents are still discussing the possibility of bringing members along when distributing packages. “We really hope that everyone can come and help with the distribution of the packages,” Jenesse L. (‘24, she/her) co-president of Home 4 the Night said. “It’ll definitely be way more enjoyable and a fun experience.”
Home 4 the Night are anticipating new events, such as volunteering at local soup kitchens this school year. “We’re really excited about the achievements we’ll make this year,” Evelyn and Jenesse said. “And again, we want to thank everyone who came to help with the packaging to support the homeless.”

Abby is the Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Blue & Gold. She has lived in Taiwan most of her life and enjoys traveling, music, reading and playing with cats.