Aranzi Cafe is a charming Japanese cartoon themed franchise cafe situated in New Taipei City, known best for their animal-based characters. As it is rarely extremely busy with a considerable number of tables available, there is usually no need to make a reservation. Upon entry, customers will be escorted to their tables quickly by one of the waiters or waitresses.
The cafe is decorated with creative cartoon characters and colorful chairs, offering a wide variety of desserts, pasta, risottos and drinks. Located inside the Global Mall Banqiao Station Store, the cafe is dimly lit with well spaced out tables, perfect for studying or conversing with friends or family.
The cafe is most famous for its small cartoon character shaped cakes, and although a little pricey, one serving is more than enough for one person. With different options of a wide variety of cartoon designs, ranging from pandas to unicorns, customers can select their cake of choice for $180 NT each.
Aside from the food, the staff was extremely friendly and helpful. After a short 10 to 15 minutes wait, the food is served by the waitress or waiter. Not to mention, customers can always ask for more utensils, napkins, water, and they will gladly assist you.
Moreover, the cafe sells their own stationery and household products with designs based on their adorable mascots; notebooks, bowls, cups and pouches can be found at the front of their store selling at prices from $150 NT up to $500 NT.
In general, if you are ever bored and looking for a place to spend time with friends and family, Aranzi Cafe is always a good choice. Other than that, just the tasty and photogenic food alone is worth the trip out to this cafe.